Due to COVID-19 the #acro24seven events have been cancelled! Stay tuned for 2021 – we will be back 🙂 !!!
What is acro24seven about?
Every day we think about acro, we live acro, and we love to share our passion for acro. Since we do acro, we have been taught at retreats & conventions, and by watching videos in the internet.
Our events
We are offering two events in August 2020: the #retreat24seven, followed by our #jam24seven – for details and more information click on the buttons below the images.
Creating memories
We create unforgettable memories by offering you at least one photo shoot. Last time we had three, Lex was just unstoppable. Follow this link to see all pictures: Image gallery

Who we are
We are acrobats, hippies, handstanders, yogis, photographers, graphic artists, physiotherapists, information technicians, human beings and above all people who like to move.
We „found“ each other at the Partner-Acrobatics teacher training in August 2018. Our common home base is Graz, Austria. Here we teach acro & yoga. By combining our various abilities, we want to create the best possible experience for you! No matter if we meet for a coffee, acro or whatever we do, the emphasis will be on having fun!
Join and play with us! Clara & Lex from Black Pearl Movement, Patrizia & Tim from NoGravity Acro

Contact us
Do you have any questions, comments or feedback? Drop us a line! We will get back to you soon.